Well, we're skipping that for now. ZEBRA MARSHMALLOWS !!!
Zebras are a kind of 'pony'. As in they are a member of the family equidea, with distinct stripe patterns, three separate species with different chromosome counts, and multiple subspecies. And the fact that they are monochromatically freaking adorable. So someone got the idea of making chocolate drizzled marshmallows that have stripes and calling them zebras. The graham crackers feel left out, but they got voted off for being considered too healthy. This is what they look like on the bag.
So we opened said bag and the disappointing reality did not disappoint.
So what do they taste like? Here are the reviews.
Christine/ WStopdeck: They taste like marshmallows and chocolate. :steal another: Nom. :steal a third:
Heather/ beautygirl1510: Omnomnom...
Me/ Liz/ talkingMongo0se: Can I have the bag back?
So what do we suggest doing with these other than eating them? Wield them as a zebra stripy projectile what else? The technological advancement of marshmallow weaponry has slingshots, catapults, trebuchets ect. But if the chocolate doesn't gum up the works this might be an appropriate fit for the zebra marshmallows.
We like to think so.
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And I want to give a shout out to our latest blog watcher Lolzloz1/icklesquish89 and YouTube commenter Criminal Spirit . Thank you both so much for your enthusiasm!
I'm working on the War Horse Play Retrospective Part 2 as I type so lets hope we don't get too much more delay.